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Guide to Buying a Walk-In Bathtub

Walk-in bathtubs have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among seniors and those with mobility issues. They offer a safe and comfortable alternative to traditional bathtubs, and can greatly improve the quality of life for those with limited mobility.

However, buying a walk-in bathtub can be a complex and confusing process, especially if you’re not familiar with the different types of walk-in bathtubs and their features. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision when buying a walk-in bathtub.

Types of Walk-In Bathtubs

There are several types of walk-in bathtubs available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. Some of the most popular types include:

  • Standard walk-in bathtubs
  • Barrier-free walk-in bathtubs
  • Wheelchair-accessible walk-in bathtubs
  • Combination bathtub and shower walk-in bathtubs

It’s important to understand the differences between each type of walk-in bathtub in order to make an informed decision when purchasing.

Features to Consider When Buying a Walk-In Bathtub

When purchasing a walk-in bathtub, there are several important features to consider, including:

  • Size and shape: Make sure the bathtub is the right size and shape for your bathroom and your body.
  • Door type: Choose between a left- or right-hand door, and make sure it opens and closes smoothly.
  • Safety features: Consider features such as grab bars, slip-resistant surfaces, and non-slip flooring to ensure safety while using the bathtub.
  • Water jets and air jets: Some walk-in bathtubs come equipped with water jets and/or air jets for a relaxing and therapeutic bathing experience.
  • Faucets and valves: Choose the right faucets and valves to match your bathroom’s decor and ensure a steady water flow.

The Installation Process

Installing a walk-in bathtub can be a complex process, so it’s important to have a professional plumber handle the installation. Make sure to choose a reputable and experienced plumber who is familiar with walk-in bathtub installations.

Maintenance and Care

Maintaining and caring for your walk-in bathtub is important to ensure its longevity and to keep it looking and functioning like new. Some tips for maintaining and caring for your walk-in bathtub include:

  • Cleaning the bathtub regularly with a non-abrasive cleaner
  • Regularly checking for leaks and damages
  • Keeping the bathtub and surrounding area dry to prevent mold and mildew growth

Buying a walk-in bathtub can greatly improve the quality of life for those with limited mobility, but it’s important to do your research and make an informed decision. Consider the type of walk-in bathtub, the features you need, the installation process, and the maintenance and care requirements when making your decision. With this ultimate guide, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect walk-in bathtub for your needs.